Rugged Tools for Demanding Environments

Heavy-Duty Safety Solutions for Industrial Clients

Industrial, manufacturing, and construction clients deal with In high-risk, fast-paced, and challenging environments where safety is the #1 priority. Your people require the best tools to safely and efficiently move the American economy forward, and Aerowave is committed to giving you those tools. Whether you require clear, instant communication in high-risk areas or AI-powered surveillance to keep eyes on valuable inventory and property, Motorola’s Safety Reimagined ecosystem gives you the best tools to keep teams safe, efficient, and productive.

If you are a steel mill with the highest safety requirements, a chemicals manufacturer with zero tolerance for mistakes, or a construction company who needs to finish a job on-time, under budget, and with a perfect safety record, Aerowave can help you solve your most challenging problems.

As a Motorola Solutions Platinum Channel Partner, Aerowave delivers customized industrial communication and security solutions, designed to withstand harsh conditions and demanding workflows.

Our Industrial Clients

We Deliver Solutions, Not Excuses for Industrial Clients